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Carbon dioxide gas detector EVIKON E2608-CO2-230

Carbon dioxide gas detector EVIKON E2608-CO2-230

  • Product code: E2608-CO2
  • Manufacturer code: E2608-CO2
  • Warranty: 2 years

Carbon dioxide detector EVIKON E2608-CO2 for the detection of carbon dioxide is equipped with two relays with closing contact may be used for remote signaling or ventilation control. It does not have its own visual and acoustic signaling. The E2608 series detectors are an intelligent solution for modern applications with ModBus RS485 communication and two 4-20mA/0-10V analog outputs. More information

  • Delivery

    Delivery to Belgium (days are avarages)

    4 workdays € 0,00
    Bpost HD (Home Delivery):
    3.3 workdays € 0,00
    BPost - PP (Pick-up Point):
    3.5 workdays € 0,00
    PostNL BE HD (Home Delivery) :
    4.1 workdays € 0,00
    DHL Economy:
    2.3 workdays € 20,96
    DHL Express:
    1.6 workdays € 18,76

    GLS: 4 workdays, € 0,00

  • In stock 1 pcs  
Price without VAT € 489,00
Price with VAT 21 % € 591,69

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Parameters and catalogs

Detector type Stationary
Output signal ModBus RS485, 2x Switching relay, 2x Analog output 4-20mA/0-10V
Power 230 VAC
Type of gas CO2 - Carbon dioxide
Weight 0.35 kg

Datasheet download

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Assembly instructions download

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Declaration of conformity download

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Carbon dioxide detector is used for the detection and early warning of hazardous (toxic) carbon dioxide concentrations. Typical applications include HVAC and air quality control in public, office and industrial buildings, greenhouses, underground parkings, boiler houses, and other confined spaces, where potentially toxic concentration of carbon dioxide can accumulate. The instrument utilises novel fully calibrated and temperature compensated optical NDIR sensor with excellent repeatability, stability and long lifetime. The leakage may also result in the accumulation of carbon dioxide in enclosed spaces up to toxic levels. It is therefore necessary to provide early warning of leakage using a detector.

Carbon dioxide is heavier lighter than air. The detector should be located just above the floor, away from corners, recesses or holes. The recommended coverage area of one detector is 500 ... 1000m2, which corresponds to a radius of about 12 ... 18m.

The EVIKON E2608-CO2 detector is equipped with two-stage signaling with outputs to the switching relay. It does not have its own visual and acoustic signaling. The E2608 series detectors are an intelligent solution for modern applications with ModBus RS485 communication and two 4-20mA/0-10V analog outputs.

Stock detector settings:

Measured gas Alarm 1 - Relay 1 Alarm 2 - Relay 2
CO2 2500ppm CO2 5000ppm CO2

The detector can be ordered in the following versions:

  • wall-mount (in stock)
  • duct-mount (on request)
  • with cable probe (on request)

Made in robust design with IP65 protection - ABS plastic, resistant to mechanical damage. Rigid, tough, resistant to low and high temperatures, poorly absorbent, harmless to health.

The service life of the detector is more than 15 years.

Each detector is factory calibrated to the default values (described in the manual). The law states that recalibration must be performed at least once every 12 months. Calibration may only be performed by a person certified by the manufacturer.

Do not hesitate to contact us for recalibration!


  • Selective, sensitive and stable detection
  • Long-life optical NDIR sensor
  • Wall, duct mounting, remote probe, IP65 protection
  • Two relays for alarm/ventilation control
  • Two analog outputs settable to 4-20 mA or 0-10 V
  • RS485 Modbus RTU digital interface

Tip: Get notified by the service about the date of legal calibration

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