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Home filters

Home water filters

Clogged faucets, and faster wear of appliances and valves. Dirt in the water can have a number of negatve impacts and at the same time a very easy solution - installation of a water filter. Here are answers to the most common questions about water filters.

Filters are designed to filter mechanical solid impurities. These are mostly particles of rust, chips, sand or, for example, strands of hemp. All this can have an impact on water pipes, but also destroy expensive equipment and valves. The backbone water supply network is often not in optimal condition, in some places it has been in the ground for decades. It may happen that an accident occurs and then dirt enters the pipeline. Filters' task is to sift the water at all times.

There are several groups of Honeywell filters. The first group are simple filters without backwashing (reverse rinsing filters), for example, the FF06 and FK06 series with a built-in pressure reducing valve. Better flushing and up to six times the life of the filter mesh is achieved with backwashing filters. The top of the range are Honeywell F76 filters with double spin technology. Filters are also divided according to sump used. Up to 40 °C, filters with a transparent sump are used, but we also offer a variant for higher temperatures (up to 80 °C), a flanged design or a design with an built-in pressure reducing valve.

Filters without backwashing

Filter rinsing is controlled by a ball valve located at the bottom of the sump. If the filter is dirty, turn it down, open it and the water that would otherwise go into the house will change direction and start flowing into the sewer.

Backwashing filters (also known as reverse rinsing filters)

F74 and F76 backwashing filters are fitted with a special filter cartridge. After turning the ball valve, the entire insert is moved downwards and the water, which normally flows through the outside of the mesh into the appliance, is transferred to the middle, thus cleaning the filter mesh from the inside.

For the model with double spin technology, a rotating impeller is located in the middle. It has holes on the sides that act as jets. It spins under the pressure of water and begins to move up and down. Jets clean the stainless steel mesh from the inside to outsite,  i.e. the filter is reverse rinsed with filtered water. This results in much more precise cleaning than simple rinsing.

Filters can be used not only in industrial plants, but also in residential buildings or family houses. We recommend their use in places with frequent network accidents. The filters are also suitable in older buildings, where cast steel or earthenware pipes are used. For new buildings, it is becoming a standard.

We supply mesh sizes from 20 to 500 microns (μm). The most used, which we also recommend for most applications, are those of 100 - 200 μm. The number indicates the actual size of the openings in the mesh - the smaller, the denser. Unless it is used in a lab or other special operation, a filter with a density of 200 μm is usually suitable. The densier mesh, the faster clogging.

For larger flange filters, or for more polluted water, meshes of 300 and 500 μm are also used.

Not alone. For example, to pump water from a pond, it is necessary to put sand filtration in front of the water filter. Sand filter will clean water from coarser dirt and algae, which would otherwise quickly clog the water filter and cause irreversible clogging of the mesh.

This directly depends on the water quality. We recommend checking it at least once a month. However, there may be situations where it is necessary to clean the mesh more often. On the Honeywell F74 filters you will find a knob which can be used to set the time of the last rinse.

It is similar with the mesh replacement intervals, which depend on the quality of the water and especially the frequency of its cleaning. If there is no regular rinsing, the mesh will need to be replaced sooner.

For smaller filters, simply place a bucket under the filter to drain the dirty water. For larger filters, or in places where the mains pressure is higher, we recommend connection to the sewer.

We recommend letting the water flow for at least fifteen seconds. Otherwise there is a risk of insufficient rinsing of the filter or even damage to the valve.

Yes, for some filters there is an automatic reverse rinsing actuator that starts the process at specified intervals. You can set the interval from one hour to three months. The unit is placed directly on compatible filters. It can therefore be supplemented additionally. The unit, which is actually a programmable actuator, comes with a socket adapter. However, in the event of a power failure, it is backed up by batteries.

It is very fine, for home applications we recommend ones with a size of 100 to 200 microns. If you try to scrub such a fine mesh with a brush, it is very likely that it will be damaged.

For this reason, it is advisable to install an automatic unit that regularly rinses the filter. Sometimes the user remembers to rinse the filter only when there is a drop in pressure, when it is often too late to clean the mesh.

No, it only removes coarse mechanical impurities. It does not deprive water of chemical admixtures, does not change the hardness or remove iron. There are other types of filtration for this purpose. However, Honeywell waterworks can soften water on the principle of ions. Salt is supplied there, which helps to remove calcium ions by means of electrolysis.

Your water supplier has its own shut-off valve and sealed water meter at the water connection. Everything else is in charge of the property owner. This is usually followed by another valve installed due to a possible replacement of the water meter. We also recommend the use of a non-return valve, a pressure reducing valve. However, the length of the water connection can often be a limiting factor. In case the length of the armature exceeds the defined space, the ideal solution is a filter combined with a pressure reducing valve. To prevent contamination, the pressure reducing valve in the system should be located behind the filter itself. The filter sump must always point downwards. However, for Honeywell F74 filters, this does not necessarily mean horizontal installation - they can be mounted horizontally or vertically and the sump can be rotated.

The required pressure can be easily set with a pressure reducing valve or a filter fitted with it. In this way, water consumption can be reduced, but also the household can be protected from pressure fluctuations. If the household is not equipped with a pressure reducing valve, significant water losses can occur in the event of sudden rises. Typically, boilers are equipped with a safety valve. In the event of an undetected increase in pressure in the water supply network, it is a common mistake to overflow through this valve. Massive water loss is usually indicated by a higher bill for drinking water.

Wide range of water filters on our site