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Spare parts, sets of seals for mixing valves

Replacement parts for mixing valves enable to repair damaged equipment often without removing the valve from the application, which is a significant saving of time and labor. All the main parts of the valve can be replaced or re-sealed so that the mixing valve is fully functional again. The gasket is supplied in complete sets. A renovation set can definitely extend the life and usability of mounted mixing valves and is often a more acceptable solution than buying a new fitting.

It is recommended that a suitable filter is always installed in front of the valves to prevent inadvertent entry of contaminants into the filter housing, which could compromise its functionality.

Spare parts can also include sets for the installation of an actuator adapter, which makes it possible to convert a manually operated mixing valve into an electrically operated element which can be controlled by a central control system.

For more information on spare parts and seal kits, please contact us.