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Smart heating Siemens Connected Home is designed to make life easier for users and at the same time help achieve more economical and eco-friendly heating. To make your purchase even more pleasant, we have prepared cost-effective sets, where you will find everything you need for smart radiator heating in just a few clicks. The installation and setup of the Siemens Connected Home system is as easy as its purchase. The whole process is intuitive and the application clearly guides you through each step, moreover, Siemens has created a series of video tutorials, which are in English but with the option of Czech subtitles.
Advantages of installing Siemens Connected Home:
First, download the Siemens AG Connected Home app in Google Play for Android or in App Store for iOS and install it on your smartphone or tablet. Open it and create your account first and then a household profile. If you prefer local heating control from home, the best option is to get a tablet that you place within the reach of the ZigBee router.
Plug the ZigBee router into a socket. In the app, open household settings, where the router connection option is available. Set the time zone and choose a method for connecting the router to the internet (WLAN for WiFi connection, or Ethernet for cable connection). The app will guide you through the individual steps for the correct setup of both options.
After setting up the ZigBee router, you can immediately start adding individual smart devices(see following steps), or first create zones(rooms). You create a room by simply clicking on add new room in the household profile. You can then name it as you wish, edit the picture, and add components of smart heating.
Radiator valves are paired in the app under the household profile or selected room. The connection is quick and, if necessary, you can reset the valve to factory settings and reconnect it at any time. The app again guides you through individual steps from inserting batteries to the actual mounting on the radiator: unscrew the original thermostatic radiator valve and screw on the new one in its place. Siemens Connected Home smart valves have a M30x1.5 connecting thread, so an adapter is necessary for other types of valves. The package also includes an adapter for Danfoss RA valves.
First, plug the relay switching unit into a socket. Under the household profile or specific room, choose to add a device and select, what the switching unit is to serve for: as a ZigBee signal repeater, for switching the heat source, or for controlling both the heat source and the hot water source. The app again guides you through individual steps, and again, if necessary, you can reset the unit to factory settings and reconnect it. The water heating device and the heat source are connected via the output relay on the back of the unit.
The app is used for controlling the entire heating system and you can add and modify heating settings anytime and anywhere. More than one user can control a single household: another household member just downloads the app, creates an account, and connects to the household via QR code. Siemens Connected Home smart heating allows the creation of time schedules, modes(night, when you're not home, etc.) and other functions, which you set directly in the Connected Home app.
And that's it! Now you can fully enjoy your smart heating. And if you still needed help with something, contact our specialists.